Better Than Dumpster Rental

Dumpster RentalIf you’re considering a dumpster rental for your junk removal needs, you might want to be aware of a few things. You’ll likely have to:

  • Pay for the dumpster rental
  • Pay for the weight of junk you put in the dumpster on top of the dumpster rental cost
  • Have to abide by restrictions on what you can put in the dumpster
  • Load your junk into the dumpster
  • Have an ugly dumpster sitting in front of your property until you’re done loading your junk

The Dumpster Rental Alternative

When you hire Recycle Junk for your junk removal, you’ll avoid all the inconveniences that come with a dumpster rental. Plus, we take junk the average trash dumpster rental company won’t, including appliances, scrap metal, electronics, and organic material. We also ensure that your junk gets recycled or reused whenever possible.

Give us a call at 1.844.744.5865 or book your junk removal appointment online. We will call you 15-30 minutes before your scheduled 2 hour arrival window. When we arrive, just point to the junk you want removed and we will provide you with an upfront, all-inclusive price. Once you say the word, we’ll haul everything away from wherever the items are located. We recycle and donate your junk whenever possible.